be all smiles滿面笑容,笑瞇瞇的樣子,例他笑容可掬地周旋于賓客之間。Radiant with smiles,he went from guest to guest,chatting and talking....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
be all smiles滿面笑容,笑瞇瞇的樣子,例他笑容可掬地周旋于賓客之間。Radiant with smiles,he went from guest to guest,chatting and talking....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
(something unexpected,good news etc.)be overjoyed意想不到的喜悅,例打開帳篷看到喜馬拉雅山南峰的雄姿與雪后潔白壯麗的景色,大家真是喜出望外。When the tent opening was pushed aside,they were overjoyed to see the South Peak of the Himalayas all radiant in white....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
to beam with delight高興顯現(xiàn)在臉上,例他們聽到這個(gè)好消息,不禁喜形于色。Everyone beamed with delight at the good news....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
be subject to changing moods性情變化不定,例這個(gè)人喜怒無(wú)常,非常難以捉摸。Subject to changing moods,he is a rather unpredictable person....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
full of joy形容非常歡樂的樣子,例國(guó)慶佳節(jié)將近,到處張燈結(jié)彩,一片喜氣洋洋。With National Day celebrations in sight,the coloured lanterns and streamers will add joy and festivity to the atmosphere....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
be wreathed in smiles形容人快樂得意的神情,例原來他昨天加了薪,難怪整天喜笑顏開的。No wonder his face is wreathed in smiles his salary was raised yesterday....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
radiant with happiness滿臉笑容很得意的樣子,例他既升職又奉派到國(guó)外去考察,怪不得滿面春風(fēng)。No wonder he is radiant with happiness.for he has not only been promoted but is also being sent abroad on a tour of inspection....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
find the scenery pleasing to one’s eye形容看到美好的景色使人心情愉快,例公園內(nèi)百花齊放,風(fēng)景優(yōu)美,賞心悅目,使人流連忘返。The park is a mass of multi-coloured flowers. It is so pleasing to the eye that one forgets time and lingers on and on....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
be overjoyed快樂得不得了,例這個(gè)人頭腦簡(jiǎn)單,只要有人說兩句恭維的話,他就樂不可支。He’s rather a simple-minded chap and will be overjoyed to hear a few words of praise....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
be so happy as to forget home and duty形容在這里過得很舒服,毫不想念故鄉(xiāng),樂而忘本,例瑞士的綺麗風(fēng)光常使游客們樂不思蜀。The Swiss scenery is so beautiful that travellers can not tear themselves away and are liable to forget home and duty...[繼續(xù)閱讀]